

The settings page is accessilble from the right hand side menu drop down:

Menu dropdown

It has a few sections, all of which are optional so don't require your attention when getting started.


In this section you can see and update geneal settings:

  • Account: Url prefix for your My Jobs page (this can't be changed after account creation)
  • Name: Will appear on your My Jobs page.
  • Is Private: Enable to hide all jobs from My Jobs page.

Add your employer name and brand to the site:

Configure general

Logo name will also appear as the AI participant when interviewing eg Julian below:

Branding talking


Configure if notifications and emails are sent based on activity:

  • Candidate notifications: For emails sent to candidate on Review, Reject or Shortlist.
  • Hirer notifications: For in-app notification and emails sent to Hirers for any Activity.
Configure notifications

You can also include an optional calender link to be included in emails for booking an interview.


We support adding a number of integrations to automate the creation of job and candidate records.

Configure integrations

See the integrations sections for more information.


You are able to add multiple users to your account:

Configure users

To do this simply add their name and email, which they will user to sign into the platform.

Configure hirers